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National Park College Continuing Education

NPC Student Commons Building

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Stretching for Men - Option 2

Dates: May 5-14, 2025

Meets: M and W from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Registration Fee: $125.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.

This course is designed for men who want to become stronger and healthier. Stretching is critical as you age as it helps prevent injuries, improves your ability to balance, increases your range of motion and reduces pain. During this course you will learn how to use stretching techniques to reduce stress, improve mood, fight against physical decline, and boost energy levels giving you the edge to continue to perform at your very best, both physically and mentally. Please wear comfortable athletic clothing. All fitness levels are welcome to participate.
Fee: $125.00

Lori Erickson

Date Day Time Location
05/05/2025Monday6 PM to 7 PM Gymnasium Complex GC-105
05/07/2025Wednesday6 PM to 7 PM Gymnasium Complex GC-105
05/12/2025Monday6 PM to 7 PM Gymnasium Complex GC-105
05/14/2025Wednesday6 PM to 7 PM Gymnasium Complex GC-105


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