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Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) Level 2

Dates: November 18-21, 2024

Meets: M, Tu, W and Th from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Registration Fee: $950.00

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This class will increase your knowledge and understanding of the Control-Logix 5000 controller capabilities using the Studio 5000 programming & documentation software. This hands-on class will build on previous learned skills from Level 1 PLC. PID instructions will be examined and understood for both Ladder PID and Enhanced Function Block PIDE. You will learn how to edit and troubleshoot strategies built in the Function Block environment and how to work with the Function Block Objects. You will understand the differences of the Ladder PID from the Function Block PIDE as well as configuring of Feedforward, Cascade and Split Range Time Proportioning PIDE control strategies. You will learn how to implement the Autotune feature of the PIDE. Also covered will be the AOI, a very popular capability being implemented by OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer) and SI(Systems Integrator) in their control programs. You will build and implement a control program that will include a PF525, a Panelview Plus that will utilize an AOI for scaling the speed command.


Prerequisite: Level 1 PLC This class also includes the following: " -- Final Exam " -- Laboratory Manual " --Certificate of Completion
Fee: $950.00

Ken Walsh

Date Day Time Location
11/18/2024Monday8 AM to 4:30 PM Technical Science TS-103
11/19/2024Tuesday8 AM to 4:30 PM Technical Science TS-103
11/20/2024Wednesday8 AM to 4:30 PM Technical Science TS-103
11/21/2024Thursday8 AM to 4:30 PM Technical Science TS-103


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